Digital Design 2

Digital Design 2

Introduction: The students in digital design 2 must learn and possess a unique blend of technical and transferable skills learn in digital design 1 plus digital photography, multimedia presentations, emergent technologies ( VR/AR/360), create a professional portfolio...
Digital Design 1

Digital Design 1

Introduction: The students must learn and possess a unique blend of technical and transferable skills such as: principles of design, creativity, communication ideas, typography, print and digital publishing, basic html/CSS, social media branding, how to network and...
Tips For Creating Your Own Graphic Design

Tips For Creating Your Own Graphic Design

Creating your own graphic design can be a fulfilling and rewarding endeavor. Here are some tips to help you get started: Define Your Objectives: Before you begin designing, clearly define the purpose and objectives of your graphic design project. Understand who your...
Benefits Of Having a Business Webpage

Benefits Of Having a Business Webpage

Having a business webpage offers numerous benefits and advantages in today’s digital age. Here are several reasons why it’s good to have a business webpage: Online Presence: A business webpage establishes your presence on the internet, allowing potential...